The Definitive Report on Players Worldwide

Why has fun vanished from Battle Royale games?

How are older female players redefining achievement in casual games?

How is the growing compassion-power divide creating untapped market opportunities in gaming?

State of the Player 2025 reveals the profound psychological shifts reshaping gaming. Built from Solsten's unparalleled psychological database, this report uncovers how players across all demographics are embracing moderation, achievement, and intentional engagement regardless of genre, generation, or geographical location. This report is essential reading for publishers, developers, investors, and marketers — anyone creating tomorrow's gaming experiences. Download now to stay ahead of these psychological shifts.

In this report, you'll learn:

  • How our trait of the year is transforming player engagement patterns across all demographics and regions, creating new opportunities for quality-focused experiences
  • Why psychological trait targeting delivers better results than traditional demographic approaches in acquisition and retention strategies
  • How to implement specific strategic recommendations for publishers, developers, investors, and marketers to capitalize on these psychological shifts
