Expand Your Audience

Vastly grow market share

Find new groups of customers and keep them loyal with smart, psychology-based insights. Reach the right people, fuel organic growth, and evolve your offerings to match trends. Boost engagement, reduce churn, and maximize lifetime value effortlessly.

An audience-first mindset.

Create an experience that you know will resonate, because you know exactly who you’re creating for.

Grow With Conviction

Drive your expansion strategy with psychological audience insights, reducing guesswork and enhancing the effectiveness of your marketing campaigns.

Discover New Markets

Tap into new markets by benchmarking and expanding existing titles to new audience segments that you haven’t reached yet.

Improve Retention

Improve stickiness and retention by knowing what new features will reliably excite your existing and new audiences.

Success stories

How our customers created impact for their games

  • "Mythical leverages Solsten to tap NFL fans in a fresh and compelling way."

    NFL Rivals debuts at #1 in Apple and Android stores
  • "Solsten is the key tool to make the creative and design process for video games more like chemistry. More of a science and less guesswork."

    Oliver Perez CEO
  • "Thanks to Solsten, we’re not only cutting development cost—we’re even more importantly getting very close to players. "

    Marcin Chelkowski Head of Studio
  • "Navigator was instrumental in Monopoly Solitaire’s success. The game exceeded expectations and we experienced dramatic velocity improvements."

    Zach Pond VP of Marketing and UA

Resources for you.

Find our articles, case studies, guides, and papers.

Blog Article

9 Proven Ways to Expand Your Video Game Audience

How do you attract more players in a market that's saturated with countless options?

Blog Article

Sustainable Revenue Starts with Resonance Testing

Predicting success has never been more important in the gaming industry.

Blog Article

Why Is My Game Not as Profitable as It Used to Be?

What challenges are driving profits down, and how can your studio overcome them?

Blog Article

Should You Copy Your Competition in Gaming?

Let's make the case for creative risk taking.

Blog Article

An Unconventional Way to Boost ROAS and Reduce CPIs

Data and expertise can work together in the early stages of game development.

Blog Article

Player Motivations as Creative Inspiration

It's essential to create experiences that deeply resonate with players.

Blog Article

Research Methods For Product Market Fit

One of the best early research methods to understand if your game has strong market potential is resonance testing your game concept

Blog Article

Player Personas: The Key to Modern Video Game Development

Player personas have become an essential game development tool.

Blog Article

How to Identify Your Game’s Ideal Target Audience

A demographic is not an audience.

Unlock potential

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